Moisés Belchín

Full Stack developer & DevOps engineer

I chose to dedicate my professional career to computer science at the moment I learned Linux and programming, I felt totally in love with them.
I've always tried to work at companies where I thought my work can somehow influence the rest of the team and add value to the project.
I'm an eager learner, looking for new technologies to master and to write articles about them to teach others about their benefits. I'm constantly reading books about technologies and programming languages.
I've discovered myself that finding solutions for real life problems is the thing I like the most. If you do a good job solving issues you can make others' life easier. That's the feeling I like to have when I'm working on a new project.

You can read more about me & contact me through any of these links:


Cloud Computing   |   Kubernetes   |   Docker   |   App Engine   |   BigQuery   |   Python   |   Dart   |   PHP   |   Web2py   |   SilexPHP   |   Symfony   |   JavaScript   |   CoffeeScript   |   Node.js  |   Express.js   |   Ruby   |   CSS   |   HTML   |   jQuery   |   C#   |   .Net   |   Shell scripting   |   Security   |   Google trusted tester  |   Elasticsearch   |   RabbitMQ   |   ejabberd   |   VMWare   |   Ansible   |   Terraform   |   Nginx   |   Apache   |   MySQL   |   PostgreSQL   |   MongoDB   |   Debian GNU/Linux   |   Ubuntu   |   Postfix   |   Sendmail   |   vsftpd   |   openVPN   |   iptables   |   ufw   |   fail2ban  |   ipset   |   psad   |   lynis   |

Work Experience

Cobrowser / LiveChat Service /


2020 - Present

CTO. Chief Technology Officer

Currently I'm part of a great team and as CTO, my main role is to maximize the value that each member of the team adds to the project, acting as facilitator.
What gives me the most satisfaction is working with a team member and finding a good solution for complex problems.
Much of my work is connect development & operations teams and the rest of the teams in the company to prioritize needs and be able to offer the best experience to our customers.
As a CTO I'm also in charge of analysing & improving our technology and security stack.

2018 - 2020

During this period of time I continued my tasks as Full Stack developer and DevOps and started in a new role as ScrumMaster organizing & managing daily assignments and several remote teams focus on a wide range of new features, security and software improvements.

2015 - 2018

Full Stack Enginneer & DevOps Engineer

Full Stack developer building chat & cobrowsing software using PHP & Symfony, Ruby, Node.js & Express.js, JavaScript, Angular.js, CoffeeScript, ejabberd & XMPP technologies.

DevOps engineer responsible for building and maintaining Kubernetes clusters infrastructure using Docker, Kubernetes, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, ejabberd, RabbitMQ, VMWare, Nginx, HAProxy, Kubespray, Ansible and Terraform technologies.

YoungTek Solutions LTD


2014 - 2015

Full Stack Engineer

Full Stack developer building and maintaining high-load (5M requests/day) adult-entertainment products & video streaming. Mainly using PHP, JavaScript, Memcached, Redis, Solr, Sphinx, ElasticSearch technologies..

Autobar Spain, S.A.


2011 - 2014

Full Stack Engineer

Full Stack developer building new modules and maintaining existing ERP/CRM software for the company, migrating the system to cloud computing using Google App Engine, Python, Dart, BigQuery, .NET, C#, Google Closure JavaScript library.
Leading implementation of telemetry and mobile systems for vending machines.

Gestioncanina S.L.


2006 - 2010

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer

Co-Founder and CTO building cloud computing ERP for Pet industry companies Pet Hotel, Veterinary, Grooming, Dog breeding, Dog training & Ethology, Pet Nursery & Day-care.
Technologies: Apache, MySQL, PHP, Debian GNU/Linux, Postfix, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS.

Esernet S.L.


2004 - 2006

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack developer for ERP software (“Sistema Hermes”) for meat industry companies and leading development of breeding software (“Hermes crianzas”) for meat industry companies, using LAMP stack as main technologies. Installation and maintenance of GNU/Linux servers for the software.
Technologies: Apache, MySQL, PHP, Debian GNU/Linux, Sendmail/Postfix, JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest, HTML, CSS.

Olé Media Group


2004 - 2005

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack developer setting up websites, developing real estates ERP and e-commerce solutions using Open Source software: OSCommerce, Mambo, Joomla, ZenCart, OpenCart, Drupal.
Technologies: Apache, MySQL & PostgreSQL, PHP, Debian GNU/Linux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

Ciberaula Internacional Training SL


2003 - 2004

Technical Author, Tutor & Developer

Technical author & tutor of different technology courses: LAMP, MySQL, OpenOffice, RedHat, GNU/Linux.
Backend developer for internal use applications and employees training.
Technologies: .NET, HTML, CSS.

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca


2001 - 2003

Active linux member and developer of “PontiX”, linux distribution based on “Hispalinux metadistros” project. Develper collaborating on an e-reader comic application called ”Buoh” using C language and co-organizer of the Open Source Day events.


2000 - 2004

Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Programming & information systems

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Programming, DDBB, operating systems, information systems design & analysis, project management, AI, network management, network security, applications design, analysis and security.

2003 - 2004

Undergraduate Thesis Project

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

CRM/ERP software application design and development with C++ programming language.


Programming course, new trends & tools for web development

Universidad d'Alacant


Programming course, Scientific computer programming with Python

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Programming course, Android application development

UPV - Universitat Politècnica de València


Technical course, Mobile devices engineering applications

UPV - Universitat Politècnica de València


Nature & Sports

Snorkelling & Scuba diving are my passion. I also love hiking and take the opportunity for shooting photos to landscapes, insects, birds, fishes, etc.

I'm a F1 big fan.


Various organizations, dive-centers & co-volunteer platforms

Environmental volunteering in cleaning and conservation of the oceans. Diving for cleaning and conservation of the seabed, seashore cleaning and education awareness.

Pet Shelters | Animal Welfare

Providing wesite, software & technology consulting.


I love read books & writing.
I enjoy my time cooking and enjoying food with family & friends. During summer season you can easily find me at the garden cooking things with the BBQ.